Tuesday, September 30, 2008

To Catch a Thief

One of my favorite Carey Grant and Doris Day movies is To Catch a Thief. I definately recommend it to anyone. Well I had the experience today of catching a thief. Although I didnt stop a diamond thief like Carey Grant did, I had it much harder. I caught my 3 year old daughter stealing.
She took a little purse with little girl make up stuff in it. Im sure it was less than $5 but that isnt the point. I didnt see her leave the store with it and all of the sudden she had it at the house and we had a talk about stealing. Since the store was closed we are going back tomorrow to have her return it.
Guess she takes after me. When I was younger I went to a laundrymat with my mom. We went next door to a store for dryer sheets or change dont remember which and i stole two packs of bubble gum. Grape and strawberry/bannana. I sat there and chomped my gum and mom noticed and I had to go back and tell the clerk what I did. It kept me from doing it again. Years later I confessed to my mom that she only caught me with the grape gum and i kept the other gum and had a guilty pleasure with my brother when we chewed it.


Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

it's funny that you remember what flavors you stole.

Rach said...

No worries I think all kids steal. You will teach her right just like mom taught you! She won't do it again!