Friday, June 19, 2009

Your Tooth is BLUE!!!!

Many of you know by now what BlueTooth is. If you dont here you go. Bluetooth is the stuff that allows you to connect wireless to something. Bluetooth in your computer to connect to your router in order to have wireless internet at home. Bluetooth on your ear and cell phone to use the "bluetooth" thing to hear and talk.

Many of you might not know just what bluetooth holds in the future. Let me open your eyes up to the new up and coming world. Here is just a list and how it will work.

Legos - a new line of legos you can build for instance a robot. It has sensors and lights and is flexible so you can with bluetooth control it wireless. Yes that is right a fully functional LEGO ROBOT!

Dress - A London fashion student got the idea of putting a bluetooth into a dress. Yes that is right, you heard right. So when you get a call on your mobile phone half your dress lights up and you can talk with it. Women did you hear me? I said YOU CAN TALK THROUGH YOUR DRESS! They have the same thing with necklaces too.

Inhalers, diabetic blood testers - They have a variety of things like this. So you can get reminders on when to check, record your results and have access to what your results were all on the move.

Shoes - there is bluetooth in a sole insert so you not only get a good padding (GEL-IN!) but also can connect wireless to send information to your computer about your workout. Also thanks to an Australian college student you have a shoe mobile phone. Yes that is right a fully functioning mobile phone that is in your shoe. "Get Smart" made this one possible I guess.

Music Player - it isnt a secret that mp3 players have bluetooth now. Sony has a portable mp3 station that will be able to connect to download and stream music through. The best part is it will dance. That is right the unit will dance to the music.

Anyway these are just a few of the funny and cool things that we have. I will possibly be working with stuff like this in the future, lets hope so cus I think it is pretty darn cool.
CLICK for more.

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