Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Diseasterous Moments and the Calm

A friend of mine, who I really look up to a lot, has a blog called memories and mayhem. I swear she has hit the hail on the head. When you have multiple kids that is all it is and sometimes the mayhem is the memory!

I cant even being to understand how it is to have as many kids and boys as she does but I struggle with just two. Within 20 minutes of getting up they were fighting, not listening on purpose and being a overall pain. A glimmer of hope came when J'alee started to feed the cat dog hamster and fish (in that order). That was totally shattered when Baby J felt the need to then feed the fish the remainder of the food. The tank water was no longer clear it was orange. The rocks were no longer blue and purple but orange and brown!

Ive spent the first 3 hours of the day managing the mayhem when I snapped and was yelling at the kids cus they were both screaming like little spoiled girls over puzzle pieces. Finally the calm came when they went to their rooms and were there and I got lunch ready quickly.

I got it ready and sat down with them utterly frustrated, stressed out with school, housework and everything else you can imagine. There was a few minutes the kids were eating PB&J and watermelon when it came to me. Dont yell, teach. A quote from Elder Packer in Teach Ye Diligently said something to the effect of in that moment you are as the Savior who was the teacher and example for us all!

This coupled with the expert and experienced advice of the memories and mayhem author of dont do it for them do it with them makes a perfect pattern of learning I would think. The doing it is the problem! I am thankful for the patience of my kids, wife and for the spirit who can still find a way to prompt me through such frustration!



Katy said...

Don't Yell, Teach.... I LOVE THIS! This is totally something i needed to read... I feel like the combo of sick kids, hot weather and too much candy has made our home chaotic (and we only have ONE KID!!!)

I agree, without our mutual blogger friend and her life stories, I would feel very alone... she's become one of my very best friends... what a great example too!

Thanks so much for sharing, Blake, you're a great dad, keep it up!

Rachel Holloway said...

well geesh! I know which blog to bookmark for days I need supercharged support to feel good about myself!! THANK YOU---Thank you Blake for writing those things. That absolutely means the WORLD to me. And thank you Katy for your kind words. I feel the same about you.

How lucky I am to know such wonderful people...