Saturday, October 4, 2008

Sleepy Day

Today I just wasnt stronger than the pillow. Thanks to Grandma B for help me out so much. She is one of the greatest and strongest ladies I know. She has a special place in our hearts. She helped take care of the kids as I was late getting up. I am so thankful to her, especailly since I struggled to sleep the whole night with a headache medicine wouldnt get rid of. In the morning it came back with a vengence. I took 800mg of Ibprophine and it barely helped.

This afternoon after K got home from her girls overnighter we all fell asleep for a nap about 3:30. Well that lasted till about 7:00 for me. I kept waking up and falling back to sleep again. Here I am at work at 6:00am and i still have the same headache.

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