Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat with Bones and Cinderella

Despite three of us feeling sick and mom being over tired for working so much we did go out to the truck or treat and a then down a few streets for some candy! You can just see the word "candy" coming out of the mouth of little bones there! J'alee was just so thrilled to be cinderella.
Its mom's favorite holiday I think she is proud to be with her little treaters! We sure love her and we did have some fun.
Of course being in the state we are we check the candy througholy. I mean when I was a kid living here there were people putting LDS on the bottom of stickers they gave out to kids free as they were getting on and off school buses. Perhaps Im paranoid but anything that look remotely suspicious was thrown out. We live in a good neighbor hood cus we only threw away 5 pieces of candy.


Katy said...

LDS on stickers? i don't get it...

but i remember being a kid and after "halloween saftey" at school, we'd come home from trick or treating and dump our candy out and separate it all... looking for anything that was opened or "drugged".... we were paranoid too!!

B-Blogit said...

I just didnt spell check this it meant to say LSD. Althought it would be cool to a little mormon on the back of stickers. LOL!

Candace said...

Blake, how do you get your blog so high tech??? How do you have columns and drop down menus? You rock!

And your kids are so stinkin cute!

Candace said...

Blake, how do you get your blog so high tech??? How do you have columns and drop down menus? You rock!

And your kids are so stinkin cute!