Monday, November 2, 2009

My Little Ballerina

We have thought about it long and hard and decided that J'alee just needed to be in a dance class.
She absolutely loved it. She kept watching the other kids before class started and during class
she was a good listener and really worked hard on it! She looks so cute as a ballerina too!

Im so glad that she can do this and that we are able to somehow scrape up the money to get her in it. She is so happy going she kept these clothes on for 2 days before I could get her to take them off. Needless to say they got a good washing and she got a good bath!


Rachel Holloway said...


Katy said...

blake, i'm sorry i've been such a comment slacker... but i have been looking in on you guys! Your little girl is adorable!! I LOVE little ballerinas, i can't wait to get Ava in a class!! ps your blog looks AWESOME!!!! really awesome!!

Rach said...

How cute is that?! She is such a cute little girl and now she is a ballerina! Hope she likes it!

Jackie said...

Oh my how adorable our little ballerina is. I'm so happy she loves it.

Candace said...

She's such a little beauty!!! My Emma loves ballet too. I should be ashamed. I took her this summer, but haven't taken her since school started back. :/