Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Need Your Advice Please

Think most of you know that I am recently into photography and my sweet family are gracious enough to let me practice on them. I need help getting ideas on what I could do better. Please visit this link. HERE It is basically a blog I created from some friends and people that post on Mission Twenty Four to help me get better.

Anyway all I can put for now. Studying for finals, aka 7 hours worth of testing to be done by Thursday, EEK!!


Rachel Holloway said...

Okay Blake, here are my thoughts...

YOu know on American Idol the people may sing good, but the judges say they chose the wrong song? I think that is your problem. I looked through pages and pages of your blog. I was SHOCKED that you chose some pictures over others you had taken at the same time!!!

I honestly think you are just choosing the wrong picture many times. It isn't that you are a bad photographer--because you aren't!! If you ever want advice before posting for a challenge, let me know. I am happy to help you weed through your pics and pick the best one!!

B-Blogit said...

Well that makes me feel good that Im better than I think. You didnt have to go through all of those, just the last ones i did. Thanks for that time and effort and I know you have precious little of it!

Rachel Holloway said...

I really mean what I said...you have some absolutely stunning pictures! I was SO impressed!! You definitely don't give yourself the credit you deserve. :)