Monday, February 2, 2009

Just Another Day

Sunday I got a bit of a surprise. I grew up in an area that preached "dont watch the Super Bowl, keep the Sabbath Day holy". Then everyone would go home and watch it anyway. I just developed a bad taste in my mouth for hypocracy! So when we went to church I was holding my breath hoping it wasnt one of "those" wards.
During priesthood opening exercises the Elders Quorum President stood up and said "I understand that there is a big game today, whatever you choose to do please remember to keep the sabbath day holy in your own way". That might be just a bit of a rephrase but essentially that is what it meant.
I was happy with that. Nothing else was said about it the rest of the time. What a refreshing thing to not have to hear all about it and then have everyone watch it anyway. I did choose to watch it with my family and we had food of course but nothing too big. Overall the commercials were not too funny and far less this year. Maybe because of the economy organizations are cutting back on development for the commercials and for the cost. Maybe we will see the cost for commercials go down for next year who knows.
After we still had scripture study and prayer and all the normal things. I look at people I know who dont watch it, yet they were still online doing something on the computer or maybe even watching TV or another program. So for me there isnt much difference between that and watching it.


Chris, Deb and the Ava Jayne said...

as an article recently wrote, the Steelers is God's team. A tad sacrilegious, hahaha but in our world of Steeler fans...watching the game IS keeping the day holy! :)

B-Blogit said...

I have to admit I knew the Steelers would win but I did want the Cardinals to win. They havent gone before and that would be fantastic to win your first appearance there.
I cant believe the end of the game that was crazy!

Rach said...

Well the lady in the library at church on Sunday said that "the Lord understands" so I guess I am not that worried :)