Sunday, February 8, 2009

Chinese New Year Parade

We went into San Fran to see the Chinese New Year Parade. It was quite crowded and the parking was so expensive but less than NYC so we are fortunate. We parked a distance away so we walked up broadway to Kearny and then down the street a bit to see the Parade. If any of you know this section of SF you know that this is not the place for kids which we found out later. We were walking and there were some neon signs and was thinking at first it was nice. Then one of the places had an open door and I looked inside and saw TV's with a woman giving a man what looked to be a lap dance. Immediate eye adverting took place followed by grabbing my hands and walking faster to get out of smut central. Traumatizing for real.

Anyway the parade was nice. There were a lot of gaps which made the parade last a lot longer than needed to be. A cold wind from the coast starting blowing around 7 and it started to feeze the kids. There I was in short sleeves everyone else all bundled up like it was freezing weather. Proving that Prop 8 is still a big issue there was a Marriage Equality segment of the parade and about half the crowd cheered and half was silent.

Of course the parade was complete with people on stilts, dragons, and what looked like china dolls and wisemen. I was happy there was a big dragon with dancers that was all lit up orange. It was fantastic, my favorite part! There was two other dragons not as big and were lit up either but it was nice!
I forgot to charge my battery so I ran out in the middle of the parade. I did manage to get video of the big dragon so I will include it below here. You can see all pictures and video on the links on the side or the very top of the blog!

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