Friday, June 1, 2007

Life Happenings Updates

Well since there is a lot going on I will just update it all in one post for you all!

Since my sprinkler broke i have been able to fix the leak 90%. I cant figure out how to make it so it doesnt leak at all. So for now i turn on the valve on the street to water my lawn, then go and turn it back off when I'm done watering. Which is a pain since I water late at night and I have to stay up and wait for it.

So we have to get a in A/C unit because our broke and the warranty people wont cover it. The problem being we cannot put a new A/C in because it uses the fan on the furnace which is 45 years old. If we did put it on it would more than likely break the fan and then our furnace would be broke. The warranty people would then definately not cover it because they said the damage was from the A/C we put in. So either way we cant get the furnace or the A/C covered to replace. So we finally have it made so we will get them both replaced the week of the 11th. Here is to hoping that is more equity on my house and not just a drain on my budget and pocketbook!!!

I went to the sleep study on Wednesday night. The tech had me try on all the masks for the CPAP, which none of them are comfortable really. I decided that I hate the machine. He asked me how i felt in the morning and I said, the same because i tossed and turned so much with the machine and the air. I wish that i didn't have to have it anyway but hey, what can i do about it now.

Kira's heart is still doing the same thing. She can be sitting still and not doing a thing and her heart rate will race up to 150. She cant walk more than 30 yards without her heart doing this thing. So we are hoping for the best and I just cant wait to find out from the echo later this month what is going on. She is going to Girls Camp this week with the youth so at least she doesn't have to work hard.

Jenalee is talking and talking and talking. She can put lots of sentences together now and is becoming a regular talker. This is great because she hasn't been until the last 9 months or so. But she is a joy and she like to work by trying to pout for what she wants...but it doesn't work!

Thats all of the "saga" for now. More later as it starting to sound like a bad news caster!


Anonymous said...

Great to hear all your updates and to learn more about what's going on with your cute little family. My heart would do those racing things like Kira's when I was pregnant (I'm not sure if it was up to 150 though)... turned out mine was thyroid issues??? I hope they find out what the deal is soon.

that sleep machine does sound impossible to get used to. Hope it will be a good judge of how you normally sleep huh?

Can't wait to hear Jenalle talking away, that's so fun for you guys. We are hoping that our little R starts jabbering away soon... no such luck so far. (he's just 1 and a half though)

Anonymous said...

We are sad that both of you are having these trials in life. You are in our prayers every night. We love you very much! Life usually has a way of getting better with time. We are proud of you for just moving ahead in life anyway. Hope you have fun at girl's camp.

Anonymous said...

Yeah most everyone has issues like this in their lives, maybe similar or not. But we all struggle in our own ways, these are just my family's ways. I would tell mom and she could tell everyone as she talks to them, but it seems to save everyone time by just posting it on the blog. Plus , not to be greedy but It is nice to have prayers!
If anyone else needs us to pray for them as well, just let us know! Thanks Mother Goose and nammy Gee!