Thursday, April 29, 2010

Young Idea and Old Reality

I remember growing up and would be driving in the car with my mommy as a little tike and I would see families and single people walking, running or "jogging" and even power walking.  I remember thinking oh man they are so old that they have to exercise just to stay thin.

Tonight I went on a walk with the kids and my wife.  The kids were on their bikes and we were out about 40 minutes.  It was quite refreshing and was a lot of fun.  I remembered what I thought when I was younger and then realized that I have become that person!  Isnt it sad.  Guess it always is when the shoe is on the other foot!

Either way Im happy tonight because I have lost 6.2lbs in just over a week.  Thanks to my wonderful wifey and the produce from local california farmers I have been able to do it!


Azteroth said...

Congrats on the loss! Also, it's a far better way to spend family time than in front of the TV, I wish we lived in a neighborhood where we could do that.

Rachel Holloway said...

SO EXCITING to see such progress! You should be totally proud!

Katy said...

WHOOO HOOO!!!! Blake, that's so amazing!! Over 6 pounds in a week... wow, that's really really good!

Keep up what you're doing... the walks, the good fresh food, the great attitude- you're doing fabulously!! I'm really so proud of you, this is such a great time for you and your family!