Monday, April 26, 2010

Boxer's Left Hook?

CA-D Senator Barbara Boxer "California is the most dynamic state in the nation, and it's been a great honor for me to be your Senator.  During these very tough times for our state and country, I am doing everything I can to create jobs and make life better for you and your family.  As Chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, Ive helped create thousands of new jobs improving our roads and transit systems.  Now Im working to create even more jobs by expanding transporation priorities, helping small businesses thrive and making California the biggest job creator in the clean energy economy.  But our work is far from done.  As I focus on getting our economy back on track, I am also working for affordable health care, better schools, and to protect our communities, our environment and our fundamental rights and freedoms.  I am proud to be supported by police, firefighters, business leaders, workers, nurses and many others across California who know that I will always stand up for our families, no matter how difficult the challenge." - California Statewide Direct Primary Election Voter Info Guide 2010

I find it interesting all the points she discussed.  Lets go through them as she does.  Create jobs...lets see what happened oh than statewide 13% unemployment rate in California.  She supported the Obama plan to create 4 million jobs and 6 million and counting are lost still.  As Chair of Enviro/Public Works Committee she helped kill the bills to provide oil through shale in Utah, expand and fund offshore drilling in Brazil while killing the bill to do that in the U.S. and she is one of the masterminds of the Cap and Trade non sense.  She helped back the voting for Obama's Obesity America...I mean American Recovery Act which "repaved" sections of bad roads.  Oh I guess she did secure about 200 million for traffic signals in Northern California alone and 400 billion to build a high speed train between L.A. and S.F. which nothing of substance has come out of.  Lets take a second to look at the improved transit she claims to have made.  Ask anyone in SF alone, Treasure Island and other places how well their MTA service is.  25% cuts in routes within the last 2 years means it is getting worse not better.  Not to mention the scandles of how BART is operated and the several accidents that happened there, along with the S-Curve on the bay bridge.  She hasnt helped small businesses she voted for healthcare bills which is going to tax small businesses more and force them to pay fees if their employees dont have health insurnace and if they dont offer it.  Thats just to name one increase in tax that will hurt small business.  The economy isnt back on track you take just take a look at your rent, paychecks, bills and local news to see that.  The woman has done jack squat for schools since she isnt even on a committee for that (according to her statement).  Either way school bus routes cancelled, over 10,000 teachers laid off just about ever quarter since Jan. 2009 in NoCal alone.  Most schools have cut music, art and now sports as well.  Teachers unions on strikes now as well.  Our children still eat disgusting processed foods that contribute to 1/3 of every kind under 18 being obese in this country.  And she talks about fixing and increasing healthcare!  Premiums in her state for healthcare insurance after the first vote by the senate in Nov 2009 have gone up 41% or more in cost with no legal way to stop it.  As far as individual freedoms go you now HAVE to purchase something you may or may not want but it doesnt matter you HAVE to have insurance now.  You dont get a choice anymore.  Beyond insurance all these things effect our civil liberties and quality of life and she has failed to deliver.

I find it interesting she lists the specific groups she does that support her.  Considering she has less than a 50% approval rating now and police and firefighters have gotten reduce or eliminated pensions, reduce wages and hours and funding cut to them.  HCA and University of California nurses in northern california all have voted to strike twice for various reasons.

She once wrote to me that she wanted to vote for a supreme court nominee becuase she was a minority, a woman.  No offense to either and both groups but that is a lame reason to vote for someone.  No where in her reason contained words about her knowledge, experience, professionalism, passion, patriotism or desire to uphold the law and constitution.

I am not endorsing a specific canidate for Senate but I do agree with the slogan "Bounce Boxer"!  Bouncer her back to a life that us Californians are really living and out of her dream stately home on her coushy chair playing with the fate of our families, selves, country and environment.


cE_pud said...

thats so amaze,,,i like that

Rach said...

Don't forget her brilliant statement to our general that he has to call her Senator because she has worked hard to get there. Whatever. She emailed me back when I told her she was dumb and said that she was friends with the General. She acted like a child! I wouldn't vote for her if I lived there.