Friday, April 9, 2010

Small World Logic

At the end of the electric parade there is a float dedicated to America.  Then contrast that with the small world ride.  It is interesting to see how big and flashing we are here in America.  Then you realize you are doing that very same thing by going to disneyland and we sure make sure that everyone we know is aware of that.  Flash and show!

I occurs to me now why many people say that Americans are a special group of people to say the least.  I found myself thinking about how I get to have a car and ride a bus and have a hotel and have something like disney yet we talk it all for granted, espeically me.

There is so much we are all blessed wtih yet dont think about or take for granted!  Think about the running water you have instead of carrying a huge clay jug or even having a tent to camp with instead of a malayria nets.

Just some small world logic for us ..."its time we are aware its a small world after all".  Now off to bed cus im falling asleep writting this!

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