Friday, April 9, 2010

Interesting Situations

We all have interesting situations that are funny awkward embarrassing mean or rude.  I had two such moments the last few days.  First is at Balboa beach in SoCal.  I walked up to the shorline and there it is washing up and down the beach...a breast implant.  Yes that is right folks and not only that but a hairclip was found as well.  Take it as you will.

Next was outside "Soarin' California" which to be honest is fun but when I first went on it this old fraidy cat purde did say an explitive when it lifted off the ground.  But that isnt the situation.  I was waiting outside with sleeping children for my turn to go again and two girls around 10-14yrs old took a stroller ripped the name tag out of it and threw it in the trash.  I said "hey that isnt yours" they turned looked at me with surprise and their mom came over took the stroller and off they went.  Seriously if you are a stroller thief or a thief of any kind then you deserve what you get!

More later but the hotel keyboard spacebar keeps sticking and it is beyond annoying so bye!

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