Monday, June 1, 2009

One of my Heros

Well I must admit that this person is very special in my life. This person used to play everything under the sun with me and endured my bossing around, teasing, bullying and arguing. We had to work on not fighting a few times but at the same time we could play together really good.

This person had a hard time with some friends growing up, cus they were really rude and we would play together a lot! I have fond memories of this. This person was a hard worker in lonely Alaska and has always been a hard worker. I cant think of a better friend and person I could have more fun with. Talk about dedication and sticking to something till it is done. In hard situations there is no running away, this person works on it till it is done right. In life, thought it is hard and there sometimes are struggles, this person ends up choosing the right and being a good example of enduring to the end.

This person is actually a heroine and it is my wonderful little sister Jo! She means the world to me and often times I look up to her. She is one of my best friends and has such a happy personality, "bubbly" as many people call it. I know I can count on her for anything at anytime.

I was able to go to college at the same time and same place as her and it was great because we got to see each other. Now she is off in the Air Force, away from home and I do miss her a bit but I am proud of her. She is learning things and growing and perhaps becoming more beautiful everyday!

I can remember one day when we lived in California at the park with our brother we were on the swings. Two guys came over and were picking on her. My brother and I stood up for her and didnt let them tease her. From that day on I always thought of myself as a protector of my little sister. Now it is reversed. She is in the Air Force, thought currently not deployed, she is apart of the protection I enjoy everyday! My little sister protects me.

I sure love you sis! Hope to see you soon!

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