Sunday, May 31, 2009

Practicing Portraits

Half of these were taken in shade and half in full sun. These are the best of each of my kiddos. They were good sports. If you look at their faces some of them they are tired of posing and some of them are exactly how they act. Some funny faces here. Most all are edited with saturation and contrast editing.
Honeysuckle background smelled so good!
She's a little monkey!
This was an accident but it turned out ok (below).
Taken straight above. I like the angle on this one.

this face just makes me laugh!
Ahh gimme a kissy!
Comic kids!
Ahh sisterly love!


Melanie said...

The 3rd one of your girl (Monkey) is to die for! Great job!

GeNee said...

Those are darling. Maybe you should hang these on the wall or put them in frames.