Friday, May 29, 2009

Driving Traffic to Your Blog

I know many of you who have blogs also have a business. Maybe you even have a business blog. There are a few things I wanted to draw people's attention to in order to bring more traffic to your blog.

Four rules to reminber here are: Content, Content, Content, and Resources. I can never say enough about having good content on your pages. First just have it relavent, useful and easy to use and read. But I have talked about that before.

The best thing however requires a little bit of work. Best thing for business is referals. This is where resources comes in. Digg and StumbleUpon are great resources. These are free sites you can join. These are basically consumer driven recommendations to good things. You join this site and if you like something you can add it on your digg or stumbleupon. When people search they can see it and go there.

The idea is the old saying you sctach my back I'll scratch yours. You add someones site to one of these and chances are they might add you. People who search their recommendations will see your blog/site and you get more traffic to your blog.


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