Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Random topics today

I think that my son is somewhat of a fembot! Or I say that he is sometimes because he likes girl things. He likes to put lotion on his hands. He puts on K's shoes or J'alee's shoes. He get hair clips and puts them in his hair. Sometimes J'alee puts stick on earrings on his ears and cheeks and he runs around with them all day long!
How he is getting into dress up hats. I think it is just funny so I say he is a fembot. In my child psychology classes and Y-I we learned that it is kind of normal for kids to do things like this when they are young they dont know gender roles and differences. I think its just funny so we say he is a fembot!

Last night we called a few people and did Christmas Caroling over the phone. It was fun, though not as fun as it is in person. J'alee was a bit shy at first but then she started to warm up to it and finally sang songs by herself. My family got a kick out of it and it was fun to sing to them. We sang "Last Christmas" and J'alee did the echo after herself that was funny!

I was talking with my sister today about Chinese Astrology signs. It turns out that K and I are yin yang opposites and so are K and Baby J. Also I found out that Baby J and J'alee are yang yang opposites. For those of you who dont know yin yang are to opposites. You are suppose to find your opposite and become in harmony with it. So I see it as a good thing that K is yin and im yang and we can become in harmony. Makes the purpose of marriage even more real. As for K and Baby J they are yin yang opposites. It doesnt seem to bother them so much though cus they get alog well. J'alee are yang yang opposites which is the worst thing ever. I guess it makes sens why they pick on each other a lot! I dont but a ton of stock into the astrology stuff, but it is interesting to not though.

We got an interview in Dallas. We sent in an application to one area and they hired someone else but they forwarded on her info not the recruiting company so that is a good sign. She got interview probably one of the first ones. So maybe a warmer location is were we are bound after all! We will see what happens.

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