Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Making Holiday Cookies

Of course you cannot have the holidays without some sugar cookies. We tried a recipe we found online. It was pretty good though we didn't mix it right. So we decided to just make a pan like a cake and then cut the cookies. Well it turned out like a very fluffy and moist cake instead of cookies.

The kids had fun though and wanted to lick the batters. My mom let me do it sometimes and they just love to do it. I mixed up something besides cookies once and J'alee wanted me to let her lick it, except it wasn't something good like that. Memory escapes me what it was though. Here are some pictures of them feasting on their batter beaters! I have two rugrats for children, but oh I love them so much!

1 comment:

Rach said...

I love licking the beaters! Good for them! They must not have the sticky problem the rest of us do