Friday, September 12, 2008

Montpelier, ID

While we were out in Bear Lake area we took a short drive to Montpelier. There we went to the Oregon Trail Musem that they had there. They had a tour that you take as if you were a travel setting out from Independence to Oregon. It talked about buying your guns, supplies, wagons life on the trail, encampments, Indians, and buffalo.

It even had an assimulation wagon ride. We got to climb into a make shift wagon and it had hydrolics on it to make it seem like the wagon was really going. It gives you an idea of what it was like to ride in a wagon, let me tell you, it makes you sick as if you were sea sick.

It was quite fun to go there and i recommend it to anyone. The tour was guided with no religious preference or views in it, though it does mention Mormom Pioneers travling along side them or on a trail across the river, but that is about it.

1 comment:

Jackie said...

My daddy grew up just a 1 block from this museum. I played in that park all the time when I was little and before the museum was built.