Thursday, January 31, 2008

Still Just Second Best

There comes a point in every parents life, I think where they realize that their kids are growing up and are never going to be the same. For me there have been several usually around the time they start to do a new think like walking, the first time they say no to you etc.
Jalee sometimes suffers growing pains and will wake in the night or before going to bed her leg or her arm will hurt and we hold her and rub it till she falls asleep or she says it doesnt hurt anymore.
So tonight her arm was hurting. We layed on the couch and turned on Chicken Little and got in blankets and I rubber her arm till it didnt hurt anymore. The she looks at me and says "I want to lay in my own bed". She doesnt want to lay by me anymore or be in mom and dad's bed anymore. She wants her own princess bed that Santa brough to her.
You would think that every parent would enjoy the day that their kids stopped wanting to share their bed at night. Not me. There is nothing in this world short of the Savior that I love more than my family. I love to lay by my family and watch movies or falls asleep for a nap.
When Jalee was just a baby and would wake in the night I would put her on my chest and she would fall back asleep in seconds. Now she is a big girl and wants her own bed.
It is a hard day for me!

1 comment:

Jackie said...

Manchild -that was one of the most beautiful things I've ever read. I had a few tears. I really hated it when you stopped liking how I played with your curls. You wanted to be a big boy.
I know what you mean. I miss my little ones a lot. But I'm proud of my big ones.