Friday, May 18, 2007

Vote for President 2007

Well I have been pretty vocal on the subject of politics lately, especially on Roberts blog. But I havent really liked any of the canidates until recently. When Rev. Shearpton took a stab or an indirect stab at Romney and those who share his belief I was upset. But i was most impressed on how Romney handled the situation. He just attacked the comment not the other canidated. It was very well handled. This led me to look more into his leadership and his political views. I like them more than the rest of the canidates. Things may change as I reserve the right to flow with the current issues and stance of the canidated. But Romney impressed me and had good views.
I now believe that he could offer the leadership needed to be President as well.
But no matter what canidate you choose get out and vote. Our choice and voice is heard when we vote. Most of the population gives up that right but they sure choose to excercise the right to complain and whine even though they didnt vote. So dont cry to me if you didnt vote because that is the first question I will ask you.

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