Monday, April 25, 2011

Mothers & Fathers With Toddler Boys - Appeal for Help

Calling mothers and fathers!!!  I need some help.  I have a 3 year old son who when he sets his mind to something he OWNS it.  Then if you go against that he gets so mad he will hit, kick, bite and even shake his fists and hold his breath making face go dark red and grunt with anger.  For instance I read a book with him tonight and we moved on to another one.  Well his sister comes up and asks nicely for the book we finished readying and I let her have it.  Well he flips out and does just that.  I explained we need to share and we were done with it and it doesn't help.

I'm hoping that I am not alone and every child has done this or at least every boy has done this. I need some tips to deal and definitely correct this behavior.  I know it wont happen over night.  Is it something they just grow out of or what else can I do to get rid of this behavior one tantrum at a time?


GeNee said...

They will just out grow the behavior when they learn to deal with their emotions better. He may just be tired or something. Just don't cave into giving them their way just because he throws a fit. That is the hardest part.

B-Blogit said...

Oh dont you worry about that. Im just as stubborn as he is! LOL. he was a bit tired but he does this even when he isnt tired.

Thanks for the advice I will remember that. Here's for hoping he grows out of it!

Jon said...

They don't grow out of it. You as a parent have to grow them out of it. Your son needs to know whats exactly whats expected of him and exactly what the consequences for misbehavior are. He knows he's expected to share in your home, he needs to know there is a consequence for not sharing. EVERYTIME he does it there should be the same consequence. Most behavior issues come from lazy parenting, I don't consider myself a lazy parent and I don't think you are either but I know i do let things slide when i shouldn't cause it's easier for me at that moment. Lindy is much better than me at being consistent she gets better behavior than I do from our son. CONSISTENCY is the key. The discipline techniques we use are from Super Nanny and they work. Our son is an amazing kid, but when we use those techniques consistently he is down right phenomenal. You should chat with Lyn she could help and you'd probably have the tantrums gone in a week.

Troy and Alice said...

I remember when Kaylei went through that phase. It was horrible! At first I would just hold her tight so she couldn't hit or bite but she started peeing on me. Then I thought about how I felt when I get that angry, I just want to be left alone, so I put her in her room and she couldn't come out until she was calm. It helped alot. Good luck though all kids are different and respond differently just give clear consequences and be consistent.