Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ready to Move Out

During bath time we taught out little girl to wash body and hair a little better than she has been doing int he past.  she did a great job this time.  She actually got all her hair with shampoo this time!  She dried herself this time too so that she didnt drip all over the floor while getting pjs on.  I told her to get her comb so I could comb her hair and she said that she already did it.  I asked her to get the comb anyway and bring it to me and she got it and then said "see dad" and then combed her hair again.  She did a great job.  Then this dialogue

Mom "sounds like you are all ready to live on your own then"
Jalee "what"
Dad "she said it sounds like you can go find your own place to live on your own"
Jalee "live on my own and have babies"
Dad "haha!  No babies for a while, but maybe when you are old but you are a big girl now washing and drying yourself and combing your own hair.  Now all we need to do is teach you to brush your teeth a little bit better and to feed yourself"
Jalee "brush my teeth like you and feed myself?"
Dad "yep then you will be all ready to be on your own"
Jalee "So you have to teach me to feed myself, brush my teeth like you and text and I will live on my own"
Dad "haha!  Yes!"

So apparently we cannot forget to teach her how to text.  Comes as a new requirement for this new generation huh?

1 comment:

Maccabee360 said...

Monkey see, monkey do eh?