Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Best Ferwend!

There are few people in this world that I can call my best friend.  Well, my son and I are best ferwends as he says it!  This kid is amazing.  He is so fun loving.  Always wants to be involved with everything.  He gets excited over little things like candyland and birds!
 He is a handsome pants who loves to run, play, rough house, jump and dive.  He loves Sory Tory (aka Toy Story) cars, trucks, trains and his new little arm guys.  He loves simple things in life like food, family and fun.  He loves bones and ocean life now.  When he is excited about something he will talk and talk and talk about it.
 He isnt afraid of much and always willing to try new things!  He is most often a very big helper and plays well with his sister a lot!  He does well on his own playing or with just me or mama!
 He is like a fish out of water and seems to always have some kind of story to tell about something that has happened during the day.  He meets me at the door most everyday, if not she shouts "Daddy" and comes running!
 He can endure the cold for a very long time even if his hands and feet are cold.  If it is fun he will sacrifice a lot to keep doing it!  He is focused an determined and has a strong will about him.
 He call be a total goof which we call in our family a "goofer" dont know why it just came out one day.  He lovs to say silly things and loves to read and color!  He longs to run out doors and especially loves the sand park and swings!  Anywhere he goes he has to bring home a collection of rocks!
 Best of all he is good for great big hugs and love topped with a big fat smoochy kiss on the cheek!  I sure love this boy!  He is my bestest ferwend!


jackieadams said...

Well I'm a sappy grandma because that made me cry. You are my bestest ferwend too. When I read the description of Little J it was like reading about you when you were his size. I love you both. Such a pair and a lot alike.

B-Blogit said...

well I didnt want people to get the wrong idea about him from a previous post so I thought I would tell everyone what he is really like. Plus I think about my kids all the time as every parent does or should at least.