Saturday, April 30, 2011

My Uhder Best Frewend!

My baby girl is just so great.  She loves so many things, is a very big helper with chores, cooking and for mama!  She is nice to everyone and gets a long well with kids at school.  She is doing pretty good in school and is sad when she is sick and cant go.  She really loves dance class and dances all the time at home!
 She loves to go places and see new things, even if they do take a long time in the car she understands and sits really well in the car.  Here she is on Fishermans Warf getting one of her favorite things.  Clam Chowder bread bowl!
 She loves to go on walks and get out of the house and pick flowers of all kinds just to bring home for mom or for herself.  I often find little flowers (even dandilions) all over the flower thanks to this one!  She loves going church as well, her teacher and primary and often times is sad when she is sick and doesnt go to church too.  Here she is on a walk one sunday after church.
 This girl has fun written in her face and should be in her name I think because she loves parties!  Yes look at this.  she loves to go to parties and have parties and I bet she would even host parties if we would let her!
 She loves to be silly also.  She does weird faces and poses to be silly all the time.  Each time I take photos of her I have to let her have a bout of silliness so I can get some nice ones.  But the silly ones are good too.
 This girl love snacks always asking or snacks.  Of course she is also a normal kids and loves...LOVES candy ESPECIALLY chocolate so we know she is a girl!  She has no shame in just devouring some chocolate!
 She loves all the girly things, frilly dresses, big bows, silky things, bows, ribbons, "hair things" as we call baretts and such things around here.  She loves getting her hair done before school.  I think cus she went without it for so long with me being home she might be over compensating...who knows.  But she loves all that kind of stuff...enough she even likes to try and do my hair.
 She loves small animals.  We had ducks outside our house last year in Cali and we went to see them just about very day because they had little baby ducks.  This year we see bunnies outside our window and also hummingbirds here too so she runs to the windows and on to the porch and looks at them!
 She loves school and she loves taking the bus.  I dont know why she likes the bus so much but whatever fits her fancy.  Im so glad she likes school.  I always hated it and did do so well so that gives me lots of hope for her!  She was so excited her first day of school!
 Like I said before she loves all things girly!  This includes pictures, dress up, babies, and dolls.  She users her baby stroll for just about everything including pushing her brother around in.  She loves ear rings and dolls of all kinds she always wants to bring a bag of toys with her.  She came home off the bus one day and asked me to hold her backpack because it was too heavy.  I thought wow the teacher must have let them take home a project or a lot of paperwork or some so I said ok and took it.  It really was heavy.  I opened it to reveal tons of toys reported wanting to take on the bus because "my friends wanted to see".
 She loves music, dance and art.  She has already asked to go to an art school and maybe I can convience her to go to Juliard in NYC and convience mom to actually live in NYC so that we can have her live at home to keep her safer...not gonna happen probably, but you never know.  She loves all sorts of art things.  I have several boxes full of papers she has colored pictures on.
 She loves to be grown up and she loves her brother and the baby so much already.  She has tremendous love in her heart for people she doesnt even know and tries to love everyone.  She is a tender girl who loves to snuggle and give hugs and kisses as well!


Anonymous said...

Oh my heavens, I finally found your blog and you have the most gorgeous children!!! I hope those genes get passed on to our little boy!

B-Blogit said...

Thank you! You will see some of these genes I think they look more like the stephens side of the family and my wifes mom's side also.

It seems that the stephens traits are dominate with my kids! :)