Thursday, September 30, 2010

Who Ever Said That?

I have had the opportunity to try and schedule things with friends and family for a variety of things.  People use to always tell me over summer that they would pick back up in their routine and have more time after school starts.

I have to just say what a load of crap!  Sorry folks but it is.  I now have a kid in school along with a girl in karate, girl scouts and dance.  A son in karate and a wife in tap and orchestra not to mention we both volunteer for parent/teacher stuff and class and that isnt really starting much yet.  All that plus the normal load of eye doctors, dentists, well kid visits, church, home teaching, callings etc. I really think that the school year is busier than anytime of the year!

I am glad that J'alee has a friend across the parking lot here with a girl just a little older than her even if she is in a different grade.  She told us about Girl Scouts which my wife did so we decided to put her in it and low and behold the girl she calls her "other best friend" that also sits next to her in school is in the same Girl Scout group/troop whatever you call it.  She is really excited for that.  This plus the load of homework and school has made baby girl quite tired lately so we have started getting into nap every other day for a short time or two long naps a week it seems we might start doing.  She will need it.

My kids fell asleep in my bed while I was out watching tv and I had to move them to their beds.  I carried my girl to her bed and realized she is huge and that I used to carry my wife's sister to her bed after she would fall asleep at the same age!  OH THE HORROR!!  I really am old and thirty does stink!  Then I carried my son and well lets face it he isnt exactly a little kid anymore either.  Im really having a hard time with this growing older stuff now.

All in all the liars of the community that the school year is less busy can eat the exhaust of my vehical that I cart an entire family around in from all sorts of activities!  It is just as busy if not more so!


Rachel Holloway said...

the school year is definitely busy! we have chosen not to add a bunch of extracurricular activities for that very reason--and I am so glad. our kids go to bed at 7--and while I know that's not for everyone, it works for us. There is NO WAY we could squeeze anything else in once you factor homework and dinner and baths. :)

Someday--we will add those things in. But nowadays, we have a definite sense of TOO MUCH (in many aspects of our lives), and the running, running, running isn't worth it.

Again, not saying anyone else has to follow this--it's just how we have chosen to deal with life. You've definitely got your hands full!!! :)

oldangelgirl said...

I like Pres Uctdorf's talk from this round of Conference - take it back to the essentials. Sounds like you're handling it all well, though!

And what's this stuff about getting old?? I'm not too much younger than you (I'll be 30 in May) and I'm finding it's not such a bad thing! Than again, I don't have kids, not even married, and living at home working at a call center. Maybe I'm the one that should be worried!!
