Tuesday, April 20, 2010

iPhone 4G leaked!

Good news for you bad news bears.  The Apple 4G phone was left by an apple engineer in a bar in Redwood City which is about 30 minutes northwest of San Jose.  The person who found it attempted to return it to Apple unsuccessfully which is very honorable and honest!  This is in my top 10 Cheers for the year!  For some unknown reason they didnt take it back.

The article says that the phone was disguised as the 3GS model which is currently out now.  Gizmo was contacted somewhere along the line and they offered the finder $5000 bucks to send it to them.  Obviously he took it and we have a glance at it now.

All in all no lawsuits are being filed and the device was lost one month ago and the engineer still has his job.  Seems like everything is right in the world.  Apple isnt gonna lose anything with this except the fact that their air tight secrecy is subject to human flaw.  People are a companies greatest risk that is for sure.  But in the end  I think that Apple only stands to gain.  People camped out for day the last time the newest 3G phone came out.  Since AT&T and Verizon are both going to use LTE which is at least 100 times faster than 3G service can you imagine the millions of iphone users, hobbiest and freaks just having this be fuel to the fire that is iphone revolution.

I must admit this is exciting news especially since the Wall Street Journal has reported that a model will come to AT&T and another model will come to Verizon Wireless so I am excite since I would rather vote for Ron Paul for president than use AT&T service.

1 comment:

Katy said...

ha! That's pretty cool... um.. but I still don't have a cell phone, so i'm not sure what's cool or not.

i still think the phone that Zach from Saved by the Bell is happenin'.