Friday, January 29, 2010

Incredible Reading

As man of you know I loved the movies Hotel Rwanda and Blood Diamond. I love the edutainment of the movies. In there it shows the violence that can happen inside Africa. Especially Blood Diamond shows what happens to child soldiers.

It is a very real thing and it was brought to a new light today when I was connected by a friend to a blog from two ladies serving in Uganda helping child soldiers. Yes that is right, they left their homes and moved to African and are helping these children out. It is a most interesting read. Humbling and perhaps a bit sad! READ HERE

Perhaps we all can help out where we can. There is so much need in the world and we need to and should help as much as we can. Perhaps our job is just to spread the word or perhaps we can give financially or in non monetary items. I have been amazed the last two weeks with stories I have been given and read about people helping in China, Africa and Haiti! Lets all do our part and at least lift where we stand (in the words of I believe it was President Monson).

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