Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day Out...Window Shopping?!????

We took the afternoon off as many other families do and headed to the mall. More on the reason we went later.

For some reason my brain malfunctioned and remember that people here in Cali are still Mall Obsessed so the parking lots are literally rush hour traffic with no open spots.

We did eat at this Japanese place though which was good.

Here is a funny pic of Baby J who was bored as you can tell from all the walking and window shopping. We walked into Old Navy and he started screaming No No No and turned and started to run out. I dont blame him cus that is what I do when I see fancy pants over priced stuff. I mean come on $20 bucks for a sweater you wear over another shirt! No to mention that sweater is gonna shrink in 2 washes anyway.

I have a general rule that I dont pay more than $12 for any item except pants which I wont pay more than $20 for. Perhaps I should just fly to NYC once a year and buy all our clothes in bulk from the street fairs.


Katy said...

no KIDDING, 20 bucks at Old Navy, who do they think they are? Dillards? Ridiculous!

Great shot of your little boy, he's adorable!!!!!!!!

Phil and Cami said...

I, too, have shopping "issues." If it's not on clearance or a killer sale, it's not coming home with me. Even if I'm using a gift card...I just can not get myself to spend money on over priced items!