Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another One of Those Days

Its another one of those days that you realize that you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. You go to bed not feeling things will go well and wake up with the same feeling. Then you discover that not only do you have to drive 11 hours to get a safety and emissions test but it will also have to shell out $100 bucks for a new windshield that should have been warranteed in the first place!

I am stuck between a rock and a hard place with not having the money to even make the trip anyway let alone replace all of that. To add to the stress I have another chapter full of achronyms that stand for something and I have no idea how I am even going to remember them all let alone the complicated phrasing of it all. School with kids who are becoming more and more active is just getting harder and harder to balance by the day it seems!

So today comfort food of Panda Express (which was the worst I have ever had by them might I add) was obtained today and I mostly enjoyed it! Despite Baby J falling off his hair and everyone looking at us. At least the kids had semi-fun today at the park with the kids from the ward. J'alee was in a mood though and often told me she wanted to be alone for a minute. Which normally she is the shadow of another girl that comes. It might have something to do with the sudden growth spurt and "my legs hurt" again!

Such is the life of parenting. There are always things that are going to not work the way we want them to. Ive just developed the phrase "that's life" and try to move on. So today is such a day! Now I just have to move on! At least while Im typing this I have discovered the next group of hatchlings has come to a momma duck in the pond off our deck! That is something good for the day!

1 comment:

Katy said...

I genuinely hope that your tomorrow treats you better, that you fall into a pit of money, that your babies will wake up being little angels for the rest of forever, and that Panda Express would come to Rexburg.... oh, wait, that last one was a little selfish!

good luck, my friend.