Thursday, May 14, 2009

Daily Activities

I know I have already posted today but wanted to just give an update to everyone who reads. We didnt have much go on today. Just a day doing homework for me and play for the kids. K ended up sleeping in because she was so tired. It turned out to be a good thing because they called her into work tonight so she got some extra rest for that.
We found a renter for our home and sent over the contract for that. It is exciting we found someone so quickly and we feel really blessed to have done so. We thank neighbors and family who have helped us show the house and clean it since we have been away!
We were out today for a lamp at goodwill. You would be surprised to know that we found a bong among things it was selling there. Very interesting huh! Anyway, we got 4 pairs of jeans for Baby J and 2 overalls for $12. That is an amazing price. We got a few skirts for jenalee for $4. They were in great shape so we got them. Since Baby J is growing so fast now his pants have turned to floods so he was in dire need.
That is about all. I am proud to announce that we will be going back on to UT and maybe even ID around the 21st! It is exciting but we have time off and can make it. I will be mostly doing homework though.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Hurray that you may be moving back here soon! I would love it! I am glad for the deal on the clothes too that was awsome.