Thursday, May 14, 2009

Social Networking Promoting Part 1: Facebook

I know there is a lot of you that have a side business that they work with or just a business that their is their job. I think many people who do crafts at home and sell them, photography, real estate etc can use social networking to benefit them. Im talking about Twitter and Facebook specifically. First obviously you need an account at each and I will focus specifically on facebook today.

Sign up for your account I would set it up with your name not the name of your business. I will get to the business stuff in a minute. Just put all the normal bio info about yourself. The key to remember is the more you put in the more recommendations of friends you get. So fill up ALL your education and job experiences. Yes even if you went to the school or did the job for a week or so. Put it down. Facebook recommends to you friends based on if you went to school with them or if you worked at the same place. The more friends that facebook adds the less you have to promote! It works for you.Make sure you put your website and/or blog so people can find it easy. Again the more info you put it the easier it is for people to get a hold of you.

Facebook is nice for several reasons. First status updates of any kind. Anyone you have added as friend will see these updates. Say you and I are added as friend in facebook. Anything you write on my profile anyone I am friends with and you are friends with will be able to see. So say you have 100 friends and I have 100 friends and you write a message on my wall saying "Hey, just joined Melaleuca you should check it out" 200 people just saw that message. That is fantastic advertising. If you send a message that is like an email and it is private to the person only. That is done by clicking "send a message" underneath the persons picture when you are on the persons profile.

Next is applications. I know a lot of Realtors. There are quizzes and other applications you can add and do. Afterwords it allows you add the results on your profile and you can add a message as well. So say you do a quiz about your dream home and you come up a Castle. Choose to publish it and in the message box type something like "this is my dream home, let (name of your agency) find yours". Then all your friends will be able to see it. That is good advertising.

Last thing I will cover in this one is Pages. Pages are like profiles for a business, non profit group, cause or any other type of group. So say you are a Realtor. You can start a page which would be a profile for your agency or even for yourself. You can do updates on it as well. You can send out suggestions to your friends to join the page. If they do they will get the updates as well. You can also add events. Say you are having an open house you can add it on a calender and it will post a message on your Page and all your friends will get an update about it.

Perhaps the best thing about the pages is that you can do advertising with it. Say you start it today and I join the group. All my friends will get a box on the right hand side when they are in facebook saying I joined and a link for them to join. That is free advertising. So say you suggest to your 100 friends to join it and I join and I have 100 friends then 200 friends just got notified about your new page. Another options for advertising is to do it through facebook. So everyone no matter who they are sees it. I havent done this and I think it costs money but it is possible to do this. There is a place in your Page settings that will allow you to explore that opportunity.

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