Monday, February 16, 2009

Crazy Few Days

It has been a few crazy days. It was the end of the week and I had a big paper due in one class, two tests and all my readings and other assignments. It was a lot to do. Valentines Day was nice. We got K some things and made pink pancakes and orange eggs (red dye and yellow yoke). It was good. Later we went out to see a movie but it was all sold out so we went to a sushi place and ate for my present! It was quite nice!
Ever since then Baby J has been sick, he threw up once and coughs so hard he almost throws up the last 2 days. I am still sick but am getting better, I have most of my voice back.
Today I was doing laundry and trying to recover. I saw the kids playing with the doll stroller and then saw them pushing each other. Well Baby J cant push it with someone in it but J'alee loved pushing him around. I also got video of it and put it on the family channel so you can watch anytime.
I have changed the format again to the blog with more links. The blogs in one column, multimedia in one column and stuff about the church in the other. I put traffic feeds at the bottom to give people some other links to go to if they are surfing or something.
Let me know what you think about the blog template!

1 comment:

Rach said...

This looked totally fun! I want a big sister to push me in a stroller!