Thursday, February 12, 2009

Afternoon Bathtime

This afternoon the kids were in desperate need of a bath! Baby J had ice cream in his hair and the both just were so dirty they had sticky spots all over their arms and hands. Thanks to clean running water, tear free body wash and hair wash from Melaleuca we got them clean and smelling good.
The hardest part after this is combing hair. Baby J is simple and easy, but J'alee has longer curly hair so it has snarls in it so we have to comb it. I combed it out and before it was even finished she looked like this picture. Poor thing will be cursed to always have snarls in her hair. Guess that is what a good detangler is for, I have one so I guess I should start using that.

These are the draw backs of being a male taking care of a daughter we don't think about those things and if we do it is too late! For me I just put gel in my hands and run my hands through my hair and then scrunch a bit and I'm done. Girls are more complicated. I still haven't been able to do pony tails and I'm not even going to approach braiding right now.

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