Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Wish Me Luck

Well everyone has been asking if J'alee is in pre-school yet and I start thinking what a horrid parent I am. First of all im far to busy and second im far to poor to actually pay for it. Either way the edumacation (lol) of my child is most important over anything. So I have decided that I will start pre-school with her and do lessons everyday. The benefit here is that Baby J will be around too.
Any and all help is welcome and is being asked for. Lesson plans, ideas, website, etc. give them all to me cus I think Im going to find myself over my head but anything is better than nothing right?! This brave new adventure of blind leading the blind will start in Feburary.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Other than the tapes we used to have from joy school....