Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Farewell to Family

Yesterday we took family to the airport to go home. They had a long trip there since there was so much snow. We are glad that they made it safe. It is much quiter around here now and there is a bit more space, but overall we miss them more than we like it clean and space.
We spend the day together as a family the rest of the afternoon. Then we came home and I napped for a few hours then got up to watch football. Yay Longhorns! Then K slept and I got the kids ready for bed and then joined them afterwords.

Baby J learned how to say football when I point to the tv the other day so we had fun saying that when I was watching. K also taught him ear so he points there now and says it. He is starting to say more but only when we queue him to do it. Hopefully he will start talking soon. It will be fun to have two kids to write the funny things they say.

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