Thursday, January 1, 2009

Every Mother's Curse

We are all familiar with the mother's curse of "I hope you have children just like you one day" well I guess it is true in this case. My daughter has the brains of her mother and the stubborn attitude for getting what she wants from both mom and dad probably.
She wanted something to drink because she said she was thirsty. She wanted some Sprite in her sippy cup and I said no you can have juice, milk or water. She turned her head to me and looked up and said "well I don't like that". I said "I'm sorry you don't like it but you will have to choose one of those three". "That's not a good idea" she said as if she could still get her way. I said well those are your choices and then she said she wanted juice.
The little stinker (lol) is just like me for sure! The curse is real!

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