Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Thanksgiving Break and catch up

There is so much to talk about. We were hope for the Thanksgiving break. It was just so wonderful to see Grandma M, my family, K's family. I was also fortunate to see some of my friends that I used to work with as well. It was nice. Thanks to K's mom for letting us stay and for trashing the house (we tried to clean up before we left).
The kids were good during the long drive there and back. On the way home we went through Rawlings, WY. It is a little town that has store names like "Quicker Liquor" or "Hole-in-the-Wall Restaurant". There are a lot of businesses there with funny names. Through there we went through Larime and the mountain pass there to Cheyene. There in the montain pass J'alee needed the potty and thankfully there was a little gas station off the side of the road. The elevation was 8000 ft. and it was very cold. It was a thriving metropolis with popluation 1. Done believe me check out the picture that I took (sorry it maybe hard to see).
We got home safely and free from snow the whole way! We missed our families before we even crossed the border to WY. We also came home to the news that Elder Worthlin had passed away! He was a wonderful man and now he gets to be with his wife and with the Savior!

1 comment:

Rach said...

How great! I have never seen a population 1! That is awsome!