Saturday, December 13, 2008

Inching closer each day

The days keep creeping by till Christmas. Im sure all the kids can barely contain their excitement! Im excited to see family and watch the kids go crazy over presents. I am hoping that this year when we talk about the birth of Jesus if my daughter will pay more attention and understand more. She wont even be four yet so here's to hoping (hot chocolate cheers).

As for my I stuck finishing papers and finals through Wednesday and then it is back to wrapping a few gifts from family to my own family and then relaxation till the Jan. 9th. I am hoping that things wont be so busy that I can get in to see Tales of Desperaeux! Other than that things are normal here though it is colder weather that Denver is used to and so are we. But overall it is still nice compaired to home.

I did start a new blog for the funny things that my kids say or I hear other kids say. They just crack me up and thought it would be a good outlet to keep track of them and maybe share stories and experiences with other parents or caretakers out there. Click that link above or just look to the right the blog list just under my profile to see it.

1 comment:

Rach said...

Those are very funny comments! I loved them! I think it is great that she is going to pink and purple class! That is a good one to go to! The other blog wont let me make any comments though