Friday, December 19, 2008


Today markes 5 years that K and I have been married. Looking at it now I can hardly believe it has been 5 years. It doesn't seem that long. Maybe it isn't as long when you are with the one that you love.
So much has happened good and bad, but there has been a lot of love and a lot of memories. K is the most fantastic person that I know. She is loving, caring as a mother and wife, she is dilligent and a hard worker. She is creative and comes up with neat ideas. She loves to go out and have fun, plans fun activities and is great a scrapbooking and crafts.
One of the things that I'm most grateful for is patience and her reminders to me. It seems since my first seizure that I have been very forgetful and a basket case at times. Maybe it is just old age or maybe it is just a man's brain, not sure wife. But she helps me so many times, often repeating it 3-5 times before I remember to do something.
On our wedding day I said that it was the happiest day of my life. It was one of the happiest for sure. Everyday is filled with experience no matter if it is good or bad. No matter what kind it is I have become a better person with her by my side! I love you sweetheart!

1 comment:

Rachel Holloway said...

Very Sweet tribute to your sweet wife! Happy Anniversary!!! You guys are a great couple!