Friday, November 14, 2008

Wild and Crazy

I dont know if Im the only parent that has their kids hit a very hyper time just before bed. Usually it is very crazy and then crashes down with tons of crying and struggle to get them into bed.

Im sure every parent struggles to get their toddlers in to bed, or at least most of them do. Maybe it is only on the nights that K is at work and Im home with the kids.

Tonight they got suckers again. The left overs suckers from the candy factory. They were much bigger than their mouths so there was a lot of clean up and sticky fingers. I had to wash all our clothes cus of the sticky. Baby J had blue sucker and a white shirt so I had to take off the white sure to save it from getting ruined.

J'alee finished hers sooner than Baby J. So she started to make faces while I took pictures. She made them like she saw her aunt and grandpa do on the webcam the other night. She really likes camera time for sure!

These just make me laugh looking at them. Even after cleaning up Baby J still had blue hands and lips that is how much dye was still on him. Guess that will wear off. It will be fun to explain it to mom when we pick her up from work in the morning.

We did have the first snow here in CO today. It caused a lot of accidents this morning. So the ride into pick up mom from work was long. By the afternoon the sun was out and by Tuesday we should be 70 degrees again. The weather out here is so crazy! Guess you can never rely on the weather anyway.


Rach said...

Ha ha i am ruining your children from a far! How excellent hee hee. They are really cute. I bet they had fun with the suckers until clean up!

Crawford Family said...

looks like fun! jaiden is getting so BIG! well, he's always been big, but he's getting even bigger.