Thursday, October 23, 2008

It Must Be October

Every year we go to the local hay ride, pumpkin patch and corn maze. This year we went just before we left for Denver. It is a family tradition and we wanted to keep. It was awful cold this year again and they didnt have the fires lit just
yet so we had to bundle up.

Here is the family pose in from of the gate (left) and grandma B game with us too. Here J'alee sits on her pumpkin she wanted to pick (right). Baby J also came too his first year picking his own pumpkin and it was lots of fun. Mom helped him do it and he was just pointing and having lots of fun.

It had rained the day before and all hay ride was really bumpy but it was still fun. We got big pumpkins and left them at Grandma J's cus our car was already packed so full. K and Grandma J guided us through the corn mazes and the kids both got tired in the middle of them of course. So I carried Baby J on my shoulders and J'alee toughed it out and walked the whole way through.

There also was a tractor pulling some carts behind it that the kids could ride in. J'alee of course wanted to ride in a pink one and the only one left was right behind the tractor. Baby J was just fine with whatever one and rode with his younger aunt.

There were some slides there as well that Baby J was not afriad to go down. He would get up there and also go down himself. I guess it would have been ok to let him since they are pretty safe, but Im a protective parent...maybe over protective and went with him. J'alee also had a lot of fun on the slides too. She didnt want to leave them and go to the corn maze. Guess that is always what the kids like slides and swings!

1 comment:

Rach said...

Cutie pie kids at the Great Pumpkin Patch!