Saturday, March 1, 2008

Over Worked and Under Staffed

So lately at work things have been bananas! We have so many people either sick or have left the company we are left short handed in every shift. This also creates excess work that needs to be done. With the busy morning shift this leaves the extra work on swing/ shift. It is hard since the grave shift specializes in other work as well so the bulk of the work falls on just 5 of us and only 3 are worth anything so it is busy busy!
It is creating a strain on a lot of people and netativity is common in talk about job conditions and company and about each other. I have to admit it is hard to stay positive, but if things were not as busy it might lesses the strain and negativity.
The company is also trying to change the promotion standards to make everyone stay in their group for 18 months before they can promot which is the complete opposite of the previous philosophy that was practiced.
Fun times in Corporate, outsourced America. High labor, pay freezes and low pay with minimal and shrinking benefits. And lawmakers are wondering why we dont have any savings!!!!!

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