Sunday, January 20, 2008

Spiderwick Chronicles

Okay so I have said before that Im excited for this movie to come out on Feb. 14th! I loved the books they were great! I have high hopes for this movie. Freddie Highmore from Charlie and the Cholcoate Factory, Finding Neverland, and August Rush is in this one. From what I have seen the characters and graphics are good. Lets just hope it holds true to the books, not like Eragon. There is a preview for the movie below!

While I am on the subject. There is a new series Beyond Spiderwick Chronicles. It basically is a second storyline that is based of the books actually being published in real life. Some kids have the books and then have their own adventure. It is a decent book. Much less interesting and less powerful as the first series but still worth a ead if you are into the Fantasy genere of giants, faries and such.\
There are only 3 books in this second series and the books are short. You can get it most any place. It seems to be in all the libraries with no waiting list to check out as well if you dont want to buy it!

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