Saturday, December 8, 2007

Mitt Romeny's "JFK Religion Speech"

Well I am glad that he spoke on this because it will put thousands of people's fears and doubts. More important it will give a referece to shut those ignorate people up who insiste that "Mormon's are taking over the world".
The article from the Wall Street Journal is one of the more favorable articles out there on his speech. Although there are a few brief segments of this that I dont like it is overall good and a great summary of what was spoken about.
Mitt Romeny was brilliant to bring up these points! Espcially the part about prayer in the Continental Congress with Sam Adams, who consequently was also from the Boston Area, his statue stands behind the Faneuil House on the green a short walk from where the Boston Massacre happend on State and Main.
Here is a link to the article if you want to see it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks I missed it on the TV so I watched it from your blog and it was wonderful!