Thursday, May 10, 2007

Broken Body

Well I did have another seizure May 4th at work. Im doing fine. The Neurologist up'd my meds to 450mgs twice a day now. I seem to be adjusting to that dose alright. He did say that the sleep doctor said that I do have sleep apnea so I will shortly be getting a C-PAP machine. I have to do another sleep study with one of those machines so they can adjust the machine properly. The neurologist also said that my brain did show seizure activity in my sleep. He promptly ordered another sleep deprived EEG to be done later this month. I will let you all know the results.
So between the seizures, sleep apnea, and aches and pains Ive decided that Im broken. No refund or return and no warranty either.


Anonymous said...

I had a broken body once for a year. It was hard to remember what it was like to be healthy, but with medicine and the ability of the body to heal I am as good as new. We will pray that this happens for you soon. I have great hope and faith it will.

Anonymous said...

Man. All that is fairly rough Blake. I sure am sorry to hear about that. I hope those docs figure a way to get you fixed up really soon. In the mean time is that the machine that lets you sound like Darth Vador? Your family will love that I'm sure. Anyway, you are in my prayers.

ps. cute pics of the fam on the new blue blog. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks you guys. yes that machine is the one that sounds liek darth vador. They will be happier to here that than to hear my loud snoring.