This is it. I have had it and I cannot take anymore! It is beyond politics, logic, respect and honor. It has now gone way beyond human decency.
Folks tried to turn the Vet rally into 2 things that it wasn't. 1) a tea party movement. From tea party officials being there and 2) an issue with race/color of skin, persuasion, issues with religion and more. The vet march was about respect for the American people, in particular those veterans who served our country and the world. It was simply allowing these men/women and their friends/family to go to the WWII monument which is open air and should have never been closed in the first place. That's it.
There are so many details that the media on all sides has missed and clips of folks who do not understand the true meaning of the march. Then the "commentators" bring in their own personal issues of race into it. Don't believe any of it.
People stealing groceries when they know they don't have the limits on their food stamps and going through with carts full of food, junk food and even big screen TVs. I witnessed someone buying a TV on food stamps with my own eyes at a Wal-Mart near me. There is no personal responsibility and you all should be pissed too. They are essentially stealing your tax dollars here and they are doing it ON PURPOSE! It doesn't matter or not if they need assistance, they did this with knowledge it was down and took advantage of it.
You should be outraged that people are taking advantage of unemployment (not all of course) and that your government has done little to actually help get jobs for new grads, to more experienced folks.
You should be outraged by the blatant black out of facts and deliberate bias in the media for any side of the coin there is.
You should be outraged by the implementation of the "healthcare market exchanges". Let me repeat so no one gets offended or is unclear by my meaning. At the very least you should be outraged at the implementation. The website is a dismal failure. People cannot get through, wrong prices are being input, insurers say it could take months to even years to fix, the government is rethinking of revamping it and insurers are dropping their policies just because the website is difficult. Even if you are for or against it you should be outraged!
You should be outraged that the majority of folks who have applied for healthcare coverage qualify and will be covered under Medicaid and the rest of the folks pay more money for a system we already had in place! You should be outraged that benefits, hours and pay is being cut just so people could be covered under a system already in place! It should outrage you that cuts to Medicare and seniors have taken place to make this system work.
You should be scared beyond belief and outraged that the IRS is chosen to handle your personal information. Info that you do not even put into your taxes each year. You should be even more outraged that the people in the IRS who are hired to do this don't have a background check, the head lady is charged with check fraud and fraudulent use of personal and financial information! You should be outraged they are going to pay these people $48 an hour. You should be outraged that there wasn't even firewalls (blockers and protections) set up to keep your information safe as you go through the healthcare website!
You should be ashamed at what the healthcare bill doesn't do for the American people and that there is more we can do!
You should be outraged that open air monuments are closed and haven't ever been during a shut down. You should be outraged that extra time and money was spent to rebuild barricades and that government officials spent money for illegal aliens to rally when law abiding citizens couldn't even come. You should be outraged that the government refused to allow states to fund and man national parks at first. You should be outraged that they put cones on the freeway blocking the very sight of Mt. Rushmore.
You should be outraged that the media is blaming one side or the other and misrepresenting everything. You should be outraged that these folks have no limits to the length of service, the amount of money they spend, receive and use to re-elect themselves. You should outraged they have all of these and still cannot work together and "shut down" and do not provide the leadership that should be happening in all branches of government.
You should be ashamed that the government overstepping its bounds in business and mergers. You should be ashamed that it is costing companies/employers and Americans' billions and a decade of technology progress!
You should be outraged that a president has to issue an executive order in the first place, that it continues to be used even though it has been declared unconstitutional and that there is no enforcement of that by congress or the DOJ!
You should be outraged that education spending has increased and scores have not! You should be ashamed of new "progressive" ideas of education are actually cutting back on what is being taught and have been largely un proven. You should be outraged that teachers and parents have less involvement in the curriculum for our children.
You should be outraged that immigration laws have not changed in over 40 years, and that give away citizenship is a priority over making the pathway easier for people to be come citizens. You should be outraged that immigration laws may make it easier for non citizens to get a job than Americans. You should be outraged that they will get free access to healthcare and other government aid without even having to pay taxes or even file taxes.
You should be outraged police departments at a city and even county level are buying tanks instead of employing and paying police officers. You should be outraged that cities, counties, postal system and national government seem to think that spending more will fix things. You should be outraged to think that our government can increase their credit balance without increase revenue or decreasing spending can continue. It should outrage you that you understand you cannot increase your credit limits without more money or less spending and they talk about doing it everyday!
It should outrage you that voter registration fraud is prevalent. It should outrage you that counties have to consider creating a new state to feel like their elected officials represent them. It should outrage you that elected officials redraw voting boundries for their own personal or private gain.
It should outrage you that politicians can negotiate business deals, sale of government property so their spouses can get hundreds of millions of dollars while a postal system is broke.
It should outrage you that we spend money on arms to terrorists and not on funding critical government operations.
It should outrage you that face persecution for owning a gun, wanting to own a gun and wanting to have the right to own a gun. It should outrage you that people don't want to at minimum pass laws preventing kits to make single shots into high powered guns. It should outrage you that we don't pass laws to prevent people who need mental help and are a danger to themselves or order from getting a gun. It should outrage you that those who do need mental help but are not a danger to themselves have to have their rights limited just because they need mental help.
It should outrage you the amount of red tape there is for small businesses.
It should outrage you that nothing has been done to make gasoline cheaper here in the states and more hasn't been done to encourage alternative fuels in this country, not other countries.
You should be outraged that race has any influence on who or who doesn't get jobs, into college or any other thing. It should outrage you that such things should even matter. It should outrage you that people just don't see a person and an equal opportunity for citizen period.
It should outrage you that any party tries to trick others into passing legislation. It should outrage you that any elected official gets extra things in order to secure their vote. It should outrage you they cannot even pay their taxes correctly but you suffer through your return every year.
FINALLY and LAST of all you should be outraged that we the people voted out term limits and by so doing created the very situation we are in today. These people in all parties are not representing us.
The list is even longer but this covers many major issues that have pissed me off. Perhaps we can stay with Democrat, Republican, Independent and whatever other party. Perhaps we make new parties all together. But what we need is end of the era of the politician control and bring back anew the era of the people's control.
Only you can make it happen. Only you can do this by not voting people up for re-election and educating yourself on new candidates. Making wise and informed choices on new candidates who understand the government is BY the people, FOR the people and OF the people!
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