Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Makin Me Feel Uncool!

Well my daughter is fast approaching 7 years of age and she "is in FIRST GRADE!!!" starting next week.  The last few weeks have been "interesting" to watch.  Well it all started when she first wouldnt hold hands with mom walking into the store and she wanted to do it on her own.  Then I noticed that she was doing it more and more.  Ok, no problem, this is normal and Im ok with that.  Then when I would talk to her she wouldnt answer and even started to roll her eyes (this was only at my jokes, which she used to laugh at).  She doesnt want to tell us that we are cool or uncool now.

It is like I have a little girl who is trying to claim her independence and already thinks her mom and dad arent cool.  Now I know I am not supposed to be "cool" im supposed to be a parent.  That isnt what I am talking about.  I just thought that I wouldnt get to this stage till teens!

Perhaps this is a stage with going to "FIRST GRADE"?


Maccabee360 said...

Remember when you where in first grade, where you folks cool? I bet not, your are trying to strike independence at that time, it's a phase and will go away as the year goes on, and then there is teenage years, then your S.O.L.!

Katy said...

OH NO!! hahaha, i'm sort of cracking up here, your daughter sounds so FUNNY!

Don't worry, old man, you'll be cool again ONE DAY! :)

jackieadams said...

This makes me laugh. I remember when my kids started school. I would tell them something and they would say, "uh uh - my teacher said. . . ." The teacher was everything and I didn't know anything.