At any rate we discovered that our perscription hasnt changed much except for J'alee who now needs reading glasses. So she joins the family of four eyes! Of course she got some glasses with no nose pieces like mommy and of course it HAD to be purple! So she is sporting a pretty little look!
We already talked about "CASE/FACE" (shout out to my mom) but I seriously down that is going to happen. Plus she will be hauling these back and forth from school so chances are Im going to be replacing these an awful lot more than I want to but such is the life of children. We sure do love them anyway, even though they take all the time. At least I have good eye insurance on first pair of glasses...we paid nothing for these!

So naturally we all got some glasses, except Jaden who has great vision. Mom got some great looking glasses and contacts which she has wanted for a while. I was silly and forgot to get a picture of her with her glasses. Guess that is cus I was entertaining a baby boy and a 4 year old boy. Somehow I thought it wouldnt take from 1230-5 on a saturday afternoon. Good gravy that was long!
I got to get some glasses as well. I departed from my regular thin metal glasses and went with trendy thick plastic that has been in the grave since the 60s. But here I am sporting a new "trendy" look. My fear is that I look like a Jonas Brother...you know the one that wears the black glasses taken from the 60s that practically eat his face...yeah that one. I think they look fairly decent. (picture taken by my daughter)

We had to get our eyes dialated to check for issues. That was trippy to go from seeing alright and then bam blurry, headache and feeling motion sick. I went out side to get the diaper bag (which I previously left in the car) and forgot to take my little sun glasses with me and this is why. My little man decided to try and pull a Flynn Ryder on me "Let me say...Hi, How ya doin' ".
He did have a lot of fun with those on his eyes for a minute or two. But it kept him quite for a few minutes which is all we needed to stop and think about what was going on.
Hurray we all have eyes again and apparently between the 5 of us we have 16 eyes!
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